AgLearn Support

Digital Accessibility Services: Document Remediation

Digital Accessibility Services: Document Remediation
Published on Friday, March 31, 2023, 11:31 AM by DANA DEROUCHEY


Why Document Remediation?

Document Remediation ensures that the documents meet the required standards of accessibility (WCAG).

Are your documents accessible to individuals with disabilities? 

  • Can they be read aloud by a screen reader?
  • Can they be tabbed through using the tab key?
  • Do they have proper heading structure?
  • Is there alternate text for the images?

Are you aware of the need for accessible documents, but don't know where to begin? 

Ensure your documents are accessible to all users. The document remediation service can take care of the heavy lifting for a range of file types, including:

  • Adobe PDF
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Excell

How it Works

  1. Upload the document. Provide additional information if needed.
  2. An accessibility expert will review the complexity and content of the document (scope determination).
  3. A Level of Effort (price estimate) will be created.
  4. The price estimate is approved.
  5. The remediation is scheduled.
  6. The document is remediated.
  7. The document is validated for accessibility.
  8. The document is delivered in an accessible format. Delivery timing depends on level of complexity. (Document Hand-off)

Ask About the Document Remediation Service

Contact Information:

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