Site Announcements

Skillsoft Leadership Development Program (SLDP)

Skillsoft Leadership Development Program (SLDP)
Published on Thursday, June 20, 2019, 4:07 PM by GABRIEL MARTINEZ

SkillsoftLeadership Development Program

The new Skillsoft Leadership Development Program (SLDP) is a curated, multi-modal learning solution that addresses 30 key leadership topics and competencies for developing leaders at all levels in the digital age.

Course Structure and Key Components

The structure of SLDP courses consists of 45-60 minute videos comprised of scenario-based, behavioral demonstrations as the primary instruction mode. The pedagogical approach Skillsoft utilizes is a “show me” vs “tell me” platinum design using MIT research on brain science to increase the learning impact.

The structure is based on micro-learning with four to six lessons per course with logical and cohesive six to ten-minute segments that can stand alone. Each lesson consists of 30-60 second expert videos. Practice questions are also provided within lessons as knowledge checks and final course assessments.

For a complete overview of all topic areas and courses available visit the SLDP page in Skillsoft.
